Wednesday, October 27, 2010

LEED for Homes Verifier

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification of your home or business provides independent, third-party verification that a building project meets the highest green building and performance measures developoed by the USGBC (United States Green Building Council).  A certified project receives a LEED's certificate - which is a nationally recognized symbol demonstrating the highest building energy standard - providing a healthy place to live or work.  There are many environmental and fianncial benefits to earning LEED Certification - more details can be provided!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Infrared Thermal Imaging

Working Hard for Your Money?

I'm sure everyone would like to keep that money from flowing out the doors & windows! Elite offers a home an infrared home-energy efficiency iinspection.  Our camera will actually show us where your conditioned air (hot or cold) is sneaking out and costing you energy dollars.  Our trained personnel can show you how to properly seal those areas, get the right equipment and save money!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Do you have a CO Detector or CO Monitor?

The biggest problem with carbon monoxide (CO) is that you can't see it, smell it or taste it.  This makes it very difficult to know when it's present in your home.  Most people are unaware of the devastating effects of ongoing low-level carbon monoxide poisoning.  Some of the units marketed require a level of 70 ppm (parts per million), however at 30 ppm there can be issues for heart patients, unborn babies and young children.  Make sure your CO detector picks up low levels.  Elite sells a model manufactured by CO-Experts that can pick up and sound an alarm at even 7 ppm.  It's always better to be safe and have that pound of prevention!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Save money on an XLi Home Comfort System

If you purchase a qualifying Trane comfort system - you could receive up to 1,000 cash rebate from TRANE, up to $800 from AEP/PSO Energy Star Appliance rebate program and a possiblity of 30% of your installed costs (up to $1,500.00) tax credit on your 2010 income tax return.

Call today for more details! 918.610.7300

PSO & Elite Service Company Offer Quest & Energy Star Testing Programs!

Winter is coming in fast - is your home ready?  Do you know where your energy is going?

PSO's Residential Solutions Program can help you identify and hopefully move to reduce your home's energy consumption!  The Quality Energy Standard Test (QUEST) provides low cost energy audits for residential customers using a checklist and a visual inspection of the home.  Home Performance with Energy Star provides a more comprehensive analysis of energy sueage in the home through diagnostic equipment.

Call today for details!

The Greater Tulsa Home Builders Association Home & Garden Show

March 10-13, 2011 (yes 2011, can you believe that?) Tulsa Expo Square

Friday, October 8, 2010

Habitat for Humanity

The Habitat for Humanity Home - Elite Service is providing the Green Verification and Energy Star Certification.  The house is located at 1215 W 1st Street in Tulsa Oklahoma. (Tulsa Home Builders Association Green Blitz Program - Build a Home in One Week)